Firegoat Rant

Political debate, scurrilous comment, social observation, essays, poetry and more Specialist in drugs, sexual health, young people, diveristy, interpersonal skills and social exclusion

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Our Bubbles

Our Bubbles

What is it about people? People walk around in huge bubbles and only occasionally bump into someone else’s bubble which might have impact. People only hear and see what they want to, they only broaden their minds and perception to a very limited degree. Most people can’t take on anyone else’s point of view, or even believe their experiences. I was like this as a teenager, probably still am largely, but I hope I’ve developed a little bit. I used to not believe my school friend Angela. I don’t know to this day whether she was telling the truth, or whether it was a rich fantasy land that she inhabited. She told me she was due to inherit a million pounds on her 21st birthday, she told me she was going out with Mike Gatting’s brother and most of the rest of the Brighton & Hove football team, she told me about snuff movies. I didn’t believe any of it, but now that I know snuff movies are real I doubt my disbelief, and I wonder at how much we don’t believe. In hindsight I worry how she knew about snuff movies at the age of 16 in 1985 in rural Sussex, and I worry about her relationships with the footballers, and I worry about the fact that she used to go home from school and drink spirits at lunchtime. There’s a lot to worry about afterwards when at first you refuse to believe, but there’s nothing on earth you can do about it. Anyway, I didn’t like her because I thought she inhabited this fantasy world but now I think she was probably in some dangerous situation. If a 16 year old was talking to me like that now I’d be very concerned about what might be going on in her life.
I just wonder how much we refuse to see.


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